The Honeytone team of Patrick Boland, Marty Brueggemann and Jeff Patlingrao
Honeytone is a state of the art recording studio built into a beautiful victorian mansion. Our collection of instruments, microphones and recording equipment is extensive and reflects our deep commitment to quality. Our space is warm, unique and inspiring - Honeytone is a home away from home with comfortable lodging on location. Quiet or loud, we are excited to capture your sonic vision.
Our goal is to bring together the very best in vintage and modern production philosophy to create recordings of the highest possible quality, no matter the style or sound. Our engineers are friendly and patient, emphasizing thoughtfulness over expediency in capturing a custom recording. From pre-production to finished mix, we look forward to assisting in bringing any part of your next project to life.
The Honeytone team (Patrick Boland, Marty Brueggemann & Jeff Patlingrao) bring decades of composing, arranging & engineering expertise to each project and are devoted to showcasing the full potential of every song.
TESTIMONIALS (click arrow for more)
Patrick Boland
My passion for music can be traced back to listening to 78 and 33 1/3 records with my Grandpa, Roland. My brother and I would visit my Grandparents often. In the back room of the house was a turntable hooked up to a quad receiver. We would put on different records, my Grandpa’s favorite artist was Benny Goodman. As we listened, he would point out solos and instruments. “listen”, he would say. “Can you hear that clarinet, listen to what he is playing there, isn’t that neat?” We would often listen to Willie Nelson and I can still hear my Grandpa’s laughter and see his smile when Willie started singing. That planted a seed for critical listening in me. I became fascinated with sound, just as much as music.
As a teenager, I would go to concerts as often as possible. As much as I enjoyed the music, I also wanted to know how different sounds were made. I’d study the guitar player, watch their hands, look at their signal chain. Concerts became a place to study and learn from so many great musicians I saw. I started playing guitar just after high school and shortly after began experimenting with creating field recordings mixed with guitar playing. I knew from that point on that music production had to be part of my life in some way, in order to feel fulfilled.
At the University of Eau Clarie , I worked at the radio station and took an interest in signal flow and the broadcast studio’s set up. In college I also met my lifelong friend and studio partner, Marty Brueggemann. We would work on recording Marty’s songs in a makeshift studio we put together in the dorms. Marty would often share his 4 track demos he was working on.
After college, I interned at a few studios, toured with the Rentals, teching, selling merch, assisting and learning about tour managing and played acoustic guitar with Goldenboy, who opened for the Rentals. After that tour, I figured out pretty quickly that I didn’t want to be on the road. I focused more on recording friends bands and projects in a home studio for a few years. We called those the Hewitt St sessions.
In 2012, the same year my oldest daughter was born, I decided I wanted to open a proper studio with the help of Marty Brueggemann and Mark Zbikowski and support of my music loving wife, Katie. It took me about a year to find the right space. I was looking for a warm, inviting space with a lot of character and I believe I found that. I’m obsessed with sounds. I love taking someone’s description of a sound they hear in their head and trying to help bring it into the world. Every time I step into this studio I feel fortunate to be part of this special place and help curate an environment that unlocks creativity and inspires.
Jeff Patlingrao
My name is Jeff. I’m originally from Brooklyn, NY. I dedicated my life to music after seeing Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey and Terminator 2: Judgement Day in the summer of 1991. My love for TV and Film of my childhood is intertwined with my approach to music.
I love how an entire story can be encoded within the smallest of musical gestures and how a series of individual moments cascade into the overall arc of a song. Whether it is narrative or abstract, complex or minimalist, I find I am heavily moved by sincere emotional creative expression.
I’ve been playing guitar for 30 years - once I picked it up I never put it down. Slash’s guitar solos were the immediate obsession, followed by Jimmy Page. I got into songs and songwriting through Juliana Hatfield, Blake Babies and The Lemonheads. Started recording when I got a Tascam 4-track in 1994. That led me to borrowing a drum kit and a bass; teaching myself so I could play everything on my recordings. Sonic Youth and Gram Parsons were the next big eye openers. Neil Young and Elliott Smith would follow after that. Les Miserables was pretty huge too, but that came before all of this and now we’re jumping through time, which is also my kind of thing.
FAST FORWARD to 2015, my first visit to Honeytone. I had been a visitor to WI for many years, having been a member of Cedarwell, out of Sheboygan since 2008. We were playing the Mile of Music Festival in Appleton and our friend, Matt, was recording at Honeytone and invited us over to check out the studio.
I was immediately blown away by the beauty of the old house, the expansive collection of amazing gear, and the warmth and vibe of the people working there. I was super fast friends with Patrick, with whom I was already texting about pedals and gear before I got back in the car to go back to the festival.
Over the next few years, we developed a solid friendship and long distance creative collaboration. I would occasionally fly out for sessions or do remote recording in NY for artists they were working with. It soon became relatively clear where I needed to be and when circumstances allowed, I left NYC for Honeytone in late 2018.
In addition to being part of the production team here, I am the onsite guitar tech as well as a session guitar player and drummer. It’s a pleasure and a thrill to collaborate with artists who come to Honeytone and to help bring their musical visions to reality and beyond. It’s a very special place with endless sonic possibilities. I’m grateful to be a part of it and love to share in the Honeytone experience with other artists.
Marty Brueggemann
Hello. My name is Marty and I feel so lucky to be in love with music. Being a part of the Honeytone Team is an unstoppable thrill. What we get to hear, touch, support, and experience continues to enlighten my life and I can’t wait for the honor to work with you.
It’s funny, but my only childhood memories all collide with music. Playing a toy piano in the living room trying to pluck out tunes one key at a time… Sitting on my mother’s lap reading through a Rodgers & Hammerstein songbook while she sang a cappella… Re-lifting the needle on my little record player to go back to the opening Bb blast of STAR WARS… Above all my life has been an obsession with melody. Somehow these pitches in rhythm express something transcendent and true - I can’t stop fascinating over the ones I adore or striving to carve new ones of my own.
In this crazy & joyful journey, I’ve gotten to grapple with as many musical instruments as I could get my hands on and as many branches of music I could wrap my mind around. I’ve studied composition, orchestration, arranging and play guitars, keyboards, drums, and various wind & brass instruments. Luckily, studio life ends up pulling from every part of me, all the while pushing me to be a wiser musician and better person.
When not living the vibrant life at Honeytone, I compose for music libraries/independent film/videogames; produce podcasts; give talks at conventions; direct choirs; write musicals and keep trying to pluck out tunes on toy pianos.
Patrick, Mark and I started Honeytone with a vision to bring out beautiful music into the world. Every artist we work with shows us more about the universe of sound and about each of our places in that universe. Working alongside Patrick & Jeff & Mark is the great musical privilege of my life and I cannot wait for what surprises lie ahead.